
Bio-hydrox is new to the market, however, the basic chemistry was discovered in 1894 by a scientist named H. J. Fenton. Since, it has been widely studied in biology before being adopted by the water industry in the 1980s. This was the result after long time searches for more efficient treatments to overcome the increasing challenges of emerging and recalcitrant water contaminants. For more than 100 years the principle of the Fenton chemistry, which is basically the enhancement of the oxidation potential of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of a reduced iron salt catalyst, has been modified, improved and the subject of much scientific investigation.

The advanced oxidation technology of Bio-hydrox is given different names: catalyzed hydrogen peroxide, Fenton-like, modified-Fenton reagent, ISCO -in situs chemical oxidation-, electrochemical water, electrolitic catalization, in situs remediation, Fenton catalyst, mixed oxidant solution, MOS, mixed oxidation, MOX, etc. with the commonality of bringing solutions to difficult situations where the highest level and very effective oxidation is required, and where reliability is not questionable. The other common denominator they share is the need to be activated upon application. These technologies are so reactive that it had not been possible to create an RTU product that could be stored and still deliver potent results. They needed to be prepared on site.

Bio-hydrox is a new generation Fenton chemistry with optimal advanced oxidation and a novel formula where the activator catalysts are chelated with oxygen and stabilized in solution. There is nothing to mix. Bio-hydrox does not require the addition of an external activator and it outperforms all other advanced oxidation processes.

Some of the uses where Bio-hydrox outperforms traditional chemicals
  • Very effective oxidizing organic matter
  • Destroys biofilm
  • Provides superior residual protection
  • Elimination of taste and odor issues that are contributed by biological contaminants
  • Algae control and oxidation of contaminants generated from algae and other natural occurring sources. Geomins, 2-MIB and extra-polymeric substances
  • Oxidation of inorganic compounds.
  • Breaks down disinfection byproducts and does not create new DBPs.
  • Recommended for water systems that contain sulfuric acid, hydrogen sulfide, iron sulfide, sulfur dioxide, iron, manganese, and mercaptans.
  • Nitrification aid and oxidation of ammonia.
  • Excellent gas scrubber chemical.
  • CIP in water wells, process lines, grounds.
  • Crop irrigation (purifies water and increases productivity)
  • Post-harvest wash
  • Removes Legionella from distribution lines, premise plumbing, AC systems and cooling towers.
  • Can replace all chemicals used in recreational waters as a standalone treatment.
  • Effective in aquaculture to oxidize organic matter, increase oxygen levels, and improve the health of the fish and crustacean.
  • When treating crude oil it changes surface structure of paraffins and asphaltenes and prevents crystallization. Removes Hydrogen Sulfide in liquid and gas phases. Removes aerobic and anaerobic bacteria from produced water. Removes biofilm.
  • Can be used to control scaling and corrosion in potable and non-potable water systems. It is NSF certified for use in potable water systems up to 84 mg/l.

General Application Guidelines

Applications are controlled by oxidation-reduction potential, also called redox potential or ORP. It is an indication of the purity of the water and its capacity to neutralize contaminants based on the potential to oxidize these contaminants.
ORP level is measured in millivolts (mV). It monitors the residual reactivity of the oxidant as supposed to the residual concentration. 
It is the most accurate indication of the effectivity of the chemical and provides direct readings on real time.
Bio-hydrox is a highly concentrated advanced oxidation catalyst for the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are strong oxidizing agents.

ORP +300 mV and above: Oxidation of organic compounds like VOCs, hydrocarbons, elimination of taste and odor issues that are contributed by biological contaminants generated from algae and other natural occurring sources.  Geomins, 2-MIB, extra-polymeric substances.

ORP +300 mV and above: Oxidation of inorganic compounds. Breaks down disinfection byproducts and does not create new DBPs. Water systems that contain sulfuric acid, hydrogen sulfide, iron sulfide, sulfur dioxide, iron, manganese, and mercaptans.

ORP +400 mV and above: Oxidation of pesticides, emerging, recalcitrant contaminants, pharmaceuticals, antibiotics.

ORP +650 mV and above: Immediate neutralization of most hazards.

BIO-HYDROX outperforms most water treatment chemicals. Very reactive, superior residual protection destroys biofilm.

ORP +650 mV and above: Removes Legionella from distribution lines, premise plumbing, heaters, AC systems, cooling towers, jacuzzies, hot tubs, storage tanks, cisterns, water fountains, etc.